We had so much fun. When it was spiritual it was really strong. And when it was free time we had a ball.
One activity the girls especially liked was using the licorice to pass off our knots.
We had a little too much fun decorating the place...
Turns Legolas was our knight in shining armor for the week. Our theme was "Daughter of A King."
The cabin was perfect. It rained almost the whole time so we were all super glad we weren't in tents. Especially after I forced them to hike in the rain....they were not happy. Haha But they all laughed when it was me who slid down the hill of mud and not them. :P We related the experience to getting to the temple. And how sometimes you have to watch where you're going to make it to your destination. They were all happy to listen once they were all in dry clothes.
The sign said "welcome princesses." We thought it was very fitting. We were so cheesy I think our girls wanted to punch us in the face. But they were good sports nonetheless.
I used a bunch of the "keep calm" phrases. After having a brain overload I thought myself rather clever and gave myself a pat on the back. Haha
These were our gifts. We took this idea from the "Worth Waiting For" video by Jenny Phillips. If you haven't seen it look it up on youtube. I get teary-eyed ever time! Haha it's mostly about waiting to get to the temple before you have sex and other things but we applied it to everything. We gave them their favorite drinks and they could choose to have that or wait until the end of girls camp and get what was in the bags. Luckily they all chose to wait and they got their drinks and a crown charm necklace. It was fun. :)
These are the cute and outs I made on the computer with the help of Microsoft word and google. Haha the fire one isn't mine though. I can't take credit for that brilliance.
We had so many handouts and so much candy. Haha it was so fun. We were WIERED!
Wish I had gotten a better picture of them though. I was mighty clever......at least so I thought.
Because I'm so close the the girls in age it made it easier for me to connect with them. And because I have been in the branch for two years and they know me it was even more fun. I wish I had gotten more pictures of them and everything we did. The young women of this day and age have to be so strong. They are mighty in the hands of God and I grew such love for them while preparing for and being at camp.
I had prepared the whole schedule for those couple days and when I got there God decided to guide me to not even follow my schedule. My friend said I did the work and then He fixed it. Haha so true. He always knows what's best.
For testimony meeting we couldn't go outside because of the rain and we did it a lot earlier in the day. It wasn't like a normal utah testimony meeting. Ours only lasted about fifteen minutes. Almost everyone shared, and no one cried. But the spirit was very strong. His presence was unmistakable. And considering some of the homes my girls are growing up in, I was thankful for whatever spirituality they could find.
Instead of making them stand we gave them tea lights in a jar. When they were ready to talk they light it and held it for everyone to see. It made it less scary I think. I think we will do that again.
I'm thankful to know that I am a Daughter of A King. And to have my prince who swept me off my feet to our "castle." I'm living my happily ever after.
Over all. Girls camp mission accomplished I think.
Over and out.