Tuesday, October 29, 2013

First Year with My Best Friend

It's hard to believe George and I have been married for one year and a week and a half! I feel like we were married just yesterday! I wish I could relive my wedding day at least once a year! It was the best day of my life and each day with George in my life and continued to increase my happiness. 

Everyone says that the first year is hard. Some say it's the hardest. I don't think it was the hardest, I think it could get a lot harder, but it definitely wasn't easy. It was full of learning and periods of growth in each of us. We have been discovering how to grow together and how to continue having a fun and free-flowing relationship rather than getting caught up in real life and forgetting to nourish and love one another.

I am a lucky woman. George is the best husband ever (no offense to anyone else..). He is amazing and my love for him continues to grow day by day. I have changed so much since I met him, and especially since we have been married. He has too. I even have him in slowly forming habit of picking up his dirty clothes and putting them in the hamper! haha. 

About a week before my anniversary my mom asked me what I thought the most important thing is that I've learned since being married to George. It didn't take me long to answer because this lesson was well learned a few weeks ago through and epiphany I had while driving home from work. I told her that I have learned that George should always be my top priority in life. I am a very task oriented type of person. I always have a list and like to have it done each day. I have found myself throughout the last year letting my list get in the way of my marriage. Sometimes I would walk in the door from work, change out of my scrubs, and get right to work, without giving George a hug or kiss, or even asking how his day was. 

If you see this from my point of view it was because that I knew if I sat down for even five minutes I would immediately want to relax and play and get nothing done. I wanted to feel like I had the rest of the day to be with George so I was getting everything done so I could have free time. I had the right motivation, but I wasn't going about it the right way. 

Now I know that George is my top priority above everything; friends, other family members, books, dishes, laundry, work, my own struggles, and even sometimes church. He does well at putting me at the top of his priorities list.No complaints there. :)

This year has been the craziest and funnest year of my life. I've enjoyed vacations, struggles, going through school, making hard decisions, laughing, crying, and going absolutely insane with George. He is absolutely my favorite person in this whole world. He is the purpose behind my smile, the beat to my heart, and the best friend I've ever had. 

George surprised me and took me up to our Honeymoon spot for our anniversary. It was a blast! George got me my favorite -- White Roses. We went up to Park City and stayed in the Park City Hotel with a hot tub on our balcony!! Yahoo!! We went on the Alpine slide and shopped, and at out at the Purple Sage, and just enjoyed being with each other and reconnecting and reminiscing about our wedding and our honeymoon. When we got home we pulled our cake top out of our freezer and had a cake fight! YUM! haha. Fun times. :) It was a rather refreshing and fun weekend! I'm so spoiled. :)

Happy (late) One Year Anniversary, George! :D

Song of the month: I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Hello, Fall!!!

FALL IS HERE!!!!! Or, at least, it's coming...haha. It has been rainy and cool and I have this delicious pumpkin spice candle burning in my apartment and I'm wearing PANTS!!! AH! I can't wait. I just bought a small package of Hot Cocoa for George and I to have after dinner tonight. haha. 

All summer long I have been wanting to go on a hike. George hasn't wanted to go at all, but I finally got him to relent this past Saturday. So, we made sandwiches and away we went! :D We went up Waterfall Canyon which is so gorgeous! But apparently all my working out is for nothing because I had to stop quite a few times! Oh well...I'm trying to not let it bother me...haha. 
There was one point that I was really tired and George ushered for me to sit on this lovely looking log. So, I did bees began to swarm around my leg.....I realized what was going on and told George we needed to go. He realized, too, and started to run, but kept looking back to make sure I was okay...
Anywho...long story short....he got stung three times. And I have never seen George in pain before so I was kind of in shock from that. Luckily we were by s stream so I got him some mud and kept having to flick larvae off his leg...haha. Here's a pic of my poor man....
Haha. I told him to make a sad face. :P

When we got to the top we ate our soggy sandwiches. They were delicious but they had been about three hours by the time we ate them so it wasn't all the great. :/ haha. But I was very happy for the exercise and we made it to the car just before it started to pour. It's been a fun summer. :)

 Us at the waterfall. It wasn't going hardly because it's so late in the year. But if you could have seen the whole thing it was so beautiful! :D
It was a gorgeous view! :D

Later we went to the Roof at Temple Square to eat with Hannah and her hubby, Nate! It was so fun! (And I got to wear my new leather pants!!!) haha. It was a good day. :D
Yay for friends! 

We are sad to see summer go, but can't wait for all the fun things that fall brings, too!


Thursday, August 29, 2013

One Adventure After Another

This past Tuesday George went back to school. Yes, it's that time again! Ah! *sniff* He's growing up so fast. haha. Just kidding. He is graduating this semester with his Bachelors! I am so pleased with his efforts to do well in school. I married an amazing man. :)
Last Saturday we went on a triple date up AF Canyon to Forest Lake. I had been up there before but not in a long time. I forgot how scary the trail is! It's more for jeeps...not four wheelers...
We made it up to the Lake soon enough after me screaming and cringing more than half the time. On the way down George and I got to ride in the razor. It was WAY more fun and less scary in that thing. But George sang (more liked screamed) church hymns with me at the top of our lungs to make me feel better. haha. I wish I had gotten a picture of the trail we were on! It was CRAZY!
When we got to the main road it started to POUR and I couldn't see and water was literally flowing off my face and pelting us (which was bad because I was trying to drive the thing). We had planned to have a picnic, but oh-well. haha.
We had a good time anyway!

With George in school again I told him I want to be more involved in school this year. I want to attend concerts and games and dances and activities. I mean, why not? We are young and it would be cheep because George is either free or discounted! This week there's a foam dance...hope we can go!!!

Life moves fast in this house, but it's full of fun lovin' and happy faces (most the time).
Here's some pic's of us. :) George was very gracious and let me have my fair share of driving. He couldn't go too crazy with me in it, so I let him take the thing for a spin alone. Haha. He is such a boy. I love it. :)

This was us after we were soaked. We survived!!! haha


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Out with the Old, In with the New...

Lately there has been a lot of change going about here at the Stewart residence. Crazy change. Not that it's change that will blow your mind, but just because I feel like my life is CRAZY! I can't slow down for two seconds. I can't believe it's already AUGUST! Man...we gotta get out of here and do something fun before school starts....ugh.

For one, I cut my hair just above my shoulders at a long A-line. I like it, although the change was pretty drastic since I have not cut my hair that short....ever. But it feels good. I feel like I'm starting to find myself again.

Secondly...I got a job!!! Yay! I am now the Head Assistant at Dr. Robert L. Tayler's office in South Ogden (he's and Endodontist. Which is a dentist who specializes in Root Canal Therapy). It is the first job in my life that has ever challenged my intellect and skills. Which I like, but I also come home every day stressed out and want to cry because I feel like I'm doing a horrible job. But that's just because I'm a perfectionist and I can be hard on myself. I just keep reminding myself that I didn't have a lot of experience with root canals in school and that every office is different and that I am a human being....someone who is full off trial and error. Which is good. Right?

Also....George and I decided we wanted to see if we could move out of our tiny apartment. Yesterday while cleaning out our closet I got frustrated to tears because I'm sick of being in a place with no room for our stuff. I only have one closet, people. For everything. It's quite crowded...but we aren't going to be able to move. Everything is SO expensive. We only pay like, 545/mon plus utilities. Can't complain there.

Behold...the spacious closet.

So, as I was getting down on myself and complaining about all these things yesterday I had to stop and remind myself that I have more than I can even be thankful for. George and I have been so blessed. So the least I can do is muddle through it with a smile on my face. I mean....at least I have the man of my dreams muddling through it with me, right?

I guess that's the beauty of being "first married." You have crappy jobs, you have miracles happen each month and you are somehow able to pay the bills, sometimes for dinner you eat ramen....all week..., you spread out as much as possible in a tiny little apartment, and you hope for the best. Especially when it seems all odds are against you.

PLUS: I desperately need a hobby....a cheap one...any ideas???

So, today I'm grateful for apartments with AC and a fridge with food. Even if there is only ramen in my pantry. And for a husband who loves me, even when I cry over closets.

Mrs. Stewart III 

I need to blog more often. But my thoughts aren't as creative as they used to be and my life isn't all that exciting... I feel like I was a grape and now I'm a prune... I need to re-juice.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Birthday Mayhem

It was my 20th birthday a few weeks ago. I can't believe it! I'm freaking TWENTY!!! Well, I'll tell you one thing, Lady's and Gentlemen, I sure don't feel like I'm twenty. I probably don't act like it either...and I most definitely do not look it, that's for sure!!! ha. 
I was sick on my birthday. :( I had a super bad sinus infection and wasn't feeling super awesome. That morning George and I set off to Kneaders for breakfast at which I got a free pastry and then we went to the Hogle Zoo in SLC. It was a fun time as George had never been there before and it was nice to spend some time just the two of us. It rained on us pretty hard and we weren't totally prepared for it, but we had fun nonetheless and the sun came out later anyway. 
Then George and I headed home and I opened a cute sign he got for me from Kneaders and took a nap. When I woke he was already gone, as we had the adult session of Stake conference that night (bummer :( ......) And then he tried to make dinner special but we only had 15 minutes, so we got Noodles and Co. to go and ate in the Stake Center parking lot. Afterwards we went home and fell asleep cuddling and awoke at 1130pm. George was terrorized as we were an hour late and had therefore missed the showing of the new Star Trek he had already bought tickets for. So he got frustrated and I was sick and tired so I cried...haha. A lot. And I ended up sitting on the tub at 11:55pm, crying, not knowing how to make myself stop, when George, feeling so bad for all this, went and grabbed the brownie I had gotten from Kneaders earlier that morning  and put a candle in it and sang to me, even though he was incredibly frustrated, in his goofy way that he does. That right there was my favorite part of my birthday folks...haha. 
Lady's: word to the wise....appreciate your husbands. Even if they don't do exactly what you would hope or would want, just know that all that they do is out of love and appreciation for you. Otherwise they simply wouldn't do anything. 
I honestly have the best husband in the world. He is all that I ever dreamed of and more. He is my forever. :) And I can't wait to celebrate the rest of my birthday's to come, and into Eternity. :)
Love you, Babe.
P.S. George and I officially knew each other for a year on May 21st. Hurray!! :D A year ago on Memorial Day was when we started dating...hehe
I'll post pic's later. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Her Name is Phyllis

I have been meaning to blog about one of my favorite people I know. Her name is Phyllis (Although I don't know if I spelled that right). When I moved into our apartments, I was afraid that I would get homesick or lonely (because at the time I wasn't going to school and I didn't have a job). As I expressed my concerns to my mother she told me to lose myself in service and soon I would be happy and I wouldn't be lonely or homesick.
Well, I did get lonely sometimes and I have gotten homesick. It took some time, but this wonderful woman has come into George and my life. We love her. She is so funny. She is like the Grandmother I never had. She builds me up and is always so excited to see me. Even if I'm just taking her to the grocery store, haha. She's going through a rough time right now, but I know she'll be okay, because she's Phyllis, and Phyllis doesn't give up. She is a strong woman and she is one of my hero's.
I appreciate her, but it wasn't until I had the opportunity to take her to the grocery store this week that I realized how she is such a blessing in my life. I am so lucky to know her. She has become one of my very best friends.
Shout out to you, Phyllis. I love ya. : )

Mrs. Stewart

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Who Needs Baby Steps??? Psh.

As I was driving home last week I realized how fast time is zipping by.
George and I were caught in a rain storm so bad I thought we were going to float away . But we didn't. Ha. The last time I was in a storm like that driving North was about a year ago.....
It was my 19th birthday and I was driving all by my big girl self to Idaho to hang out with my friends Hannah and Jaimie for a couple of days. It was a bog step.It was my birthday wish. I had been wanting to visit them for a while and it was the only weekend I had. Plus no one told me about any birthday plans they wanted to make, so I decided to make my own and drive to Idaho.
It was crazy. It was pouring outside like it was the other day and I was crying my eyes out the whole way up North over a million different things at the time. (Crying? On your birthday? You may ask, but yes, I was a conflicted soul back then...). Anyhow...
At that time in my life I wasn't sure who I was or where I was going, but I new that I was headed somewhere good. I was making plans, spreading my wings, feeling new surges of being independent...and then I met my husband...haha. Which was another big step.
It's just strange to think that almost a year from now I was turning 19, my life was going a million different directions, I was going to attend the Art Institute, I was crying over 5 boys at once, I was going to cut my hair to a bob, and I was on my way to see the world. And now, here I sit, finding myself with a husband in the other room, nearing our 6 month anniversary in a week, started Dental Assisting School yesterday (something I thought I'd never do...), I have 3 church callings, and I'm balancing being what seems to be everything (but a mother) all at once.
I guess life's just one big adventure after another. And I'd like to keep it that way. :)
Peace out.
Mrs. S. III
"Life is either a daring adventure....or nothing." -Hellen Keller

P.S. George and I also went on a trip recently to Arizona so I could meet his mom's side of the fam.
My first Cactus picture EVER.
 Us being weird...
 I know I look Chinese...that was an accident....
 Out to dinner at Tia Rose's!
 Chillin...haha. We both needed some vitamin D.
Me, waiting at Tia Rose's to go and eat. I sat in a kid chair. I was surprised my hips fit...haha.Yeish.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sail Away

George and I had the opportunity to go on a cruise to the Eastern Caribbean with my family last week. It was a BLAST!
It was nice to escape reality again for a week since our honeymoon was only 2.5 days long. Our relationship benefited from it immensely. We just found joy in being together and experiencing things with one another. It was a good re-freshener. Much needed.
George was quite excited as he realized the majority of workers on the ship would be from Malaysia and he would be able to delve back into his missionary mode and speak with them in Malay. I have to admit, we made quite a few friends! Some of which included our dining stewards and our room stewards. I learned how to say Thank you (Tri Macasi is how it's pronounced, but I probably butchered the spelling) and lots of other things. We got some of their contact information. Pretty exciting.
This is how the trip went:
Sat: Flew to Fort Lauderdale, FL.
Sun: Sacrament meeting in the morning, board the ship at 1pm. Sail away at 5pm.
Just before we left port to sail the open seas! (I'm really not this tall. I was standing on a lawn chair.)

Mon: First day at Sea. We played Bingo, went to a dance, dined in the Manhattan Room, blah blah.
Tuesday: Made it to our first Island, Grand Turk (part of the Turk and Cacaos Islands). It wasn't all exciting to look at but we went horse back riding in the ocean and that was a BLAST! (although I was kind of freaked because I'm afraid of water.) Something I got to cross off my bucket list. We also ate at Margarita Ville (SO DELICIOUS!!!)

Wednesday: Puerto Rico!!! We went on a zip line through the rain forest (something else I've wanted to do since I was a little girl and got to cross off my bucket list). We also walked around and George and I got our picture drawn....I don't think it looks much like me but it was fun anyway! :D (sorry, couldn't get it to rotate...)
When we got back on the ship, we changed for a formal dinner and George and I stood on the balcony from our room and watched the nightlife of Puerto Rico sail away. It was beautiful with the stars, the lights from the city and the ship, the beautiful water, the light breeze, and the steel drums from our sister ship, the Westerdam that followed us. George grabbed my hands and danced with me for a minute, even. One of my favorite moments of the entire trip. A memory I won't forget.
Thursday: St. Maarteen. We went snorkeling which was awesome! We were on a catamaran in gorgeous turquoise water having the time of our lives with creepy Jamaicans. haha. We also went shopping and George got himself a watch and he bought me a ring. Both of which we got for an incredibly good deal because over there to barter for a price. George learned how on his mission, so he was really good at it. YAY!

Friday: Another Sea day...boring I have to admit. But I got some time alone to walk a couple miles around the ship. I kept wanting to sing Celine Dion the whole time. That night Chelsey, Stettesen, George, and I all hung out and went to a dessert thing by the pool. I wish I had had my camera. there were amazing sculptures. I felt like I was in a Willy Wonka bar. Candied apples, statues made of ice and chocolate, watermelon flowers, cakes and cupcakes that looked so beautiful I didn't want to eat them. It was awesome. All low light with candles and the pool lit up. It was pretty cool. Then we went and got crazy on the dance floor for a while. After which we went up to the front and very top of the boat and watched the stars for a while. (again. I wanted to sing Celine Dion...haha. I actually started to, but couldn't remember the words...)

This picture was on the back of the boat...the water sounded so powerful, it freaked me out...haha
Saturday: Half Moon Cay. One of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. I picked up some seashells for my Activity Day girls. Went snorkeling and saw some awesome things including a baby barracuda! (ahhhhh!!!!) Chelsey, Mom, and I floated on our floaties for a while in the clear blue water. That was fun. :) Dad rented a cabana with a hot tub, chips and salsa, and snorkel gear. We all thought it'd be a tent. But it actually was this....pretty awesome. We winter babies were all so grateful for the shade.
We also went Jet Skiing.....something I never thought I'd do. I was so freaked out, a guide had to go in front of me to help me stay calm. I was sing-yelling church hymns and trying not to cry the whole time. Haha. I can say I've done it but I'm never doing it again. George and I also found a conch shell after the Jet ski's with the help of our guide. I collect sea shells so I was SUPER duper excited. George, being the wonderful hubby he is, carried it all the way home for me. We were all very happy to finally get some sun. Even after applying sunscreen about 4 times, George and I still got sunburned. In some of the oddest places, too....? And get this....I even TANNED a little...WHAT?!??! I NEVER tan! haha. Must be something in the water over there...

It was a good trip. The first time to the beach with George, my first time on a cruise, first time on Jet Skis, first time out of the country, etc. Lots of firsts. Can't wait for our next grand adventure!!!

P.S. On this trip, I learned there's better Reggae music out there other than Bob Marley. Thank goodness, too! haha

Mrs. Stewart

Valentines Day Melt Down

It seems I lost the "blogging fever" for a while there. Getting caught up in married life takes time and commitment, so thus my part time blogging employment has come back from the dead, I hope.

Valentines Day is something that I long looked forward to as a "newly" married woman. and I have to say...the day looked pretty tragic, but now as we look back, George and I have to chuckle a little. Although, I dare say that my chuckling is still a little bitter. Give me a couple years and it will be funny....Our First Valentines. Let me explain...
I was so looking forward to this day because it was a day I had long spent alone and was finally able to spend it with someone who actually cared about me completely and truly. It was all very exciting.
George had work all day and school right after and would not be home until around 9pm. Although we did not see each other all day, I sent in a cute little text with lots of x's and o's attached.
I cleaned the house and scurried off to work with a little pitter patter in my heart, so in love with my BFF.
When I got home, I frantically ran to the grocery store, put a slice of turtle cheesecake from work into the fridge, got the food in the crock pot, set up a little candlelight picnic in the center of our living room, had some mood music on softly in the background, curled my hair, and was almost ready to go. I was boiling some noodles and daydreaming of him arriving (finally) with white roses in hand, beaming from ear to ear, and speaking soft words of love in my hear as we sipped our martinelles and ate our homemade mac and cheese. Sound cheesy enough yet? Well, I was serious. It was our first valentines day and I wanted it to be perfect...(haha....ya right!)
I looked at the clock and realized it was past 830 and that George always calls me right when he gets out of class. Now, this is where watching Criminal Minds in my spare time doesn't pay off....I started to wonder all things imaginable...car accidents, some idiot crazy man on the run picking on George (I don't know what I was thinking since George can handle himself, but oh well), blah blah blah. So I called him....like four times.... In the dating world that is a NONO but since we're married I figured it was okay and not otherwise obsessive (right????). haha.
He knocked on the door a half hour late. I opened it to an empty handed George. When he came in and saw all I had done for him, he felt horrible. He was going to get me flowers on his way home, but forgot since he had an important phone call and that's why he didn't call and then he saw I called so he rushed right home. So, I simply grabbed the laundry basket and had him help me at the Club House getting the laundry...I didn't say much. I reassured him. When we got back he kept saying how bad he felt and i tried not to cry...but I did. Because I got my hopes up for days...and put all the work in. He tried to reassure me and gave me a hug while I scooped some macaroni out of the pot and spilled it on my hand, burning it. I squealed and fell to the floor in tears. The macaroni did, too. So the night consisted of us hardly speaking to each other. I ate the food off the floor, poured the martineles down the drain, and went to bed after I did the dishes.
It all sounds stupid now, but when you're tired and hungry and looking forward to something...it burns fast. Not everything always works out perfectly, but that's okay. Life wouldn't be interesting...
P.S. He made it up to me by buying me a ring in Saint Maarteen. Haha.
Gotta love love.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Imperfectly Perfect

I am feeling so humbled lately. I am amazed at the wondrous plan God has in mind for George and I. We have been wanting church callings since we moved in. We both love to feel needed and we also love to have responsibility and help people in any way possible. Which is why our callings that we have finally received are perfect for us.
I have been called as the Activity Days leader (for those of you who don't know what that is, it used to be called "Achievement Days." Ring a bell?" haha. I get to meet with girls from the age of 8-11 yrs. old and prepare them for the Young Women program! I am SO excited. I had to laugh, though. I think God is getting back at me because I absolutely HATED achievement days when I was a kid. HA! Well, wish me luck. More than half these girls have the energy I used to when I was their age. . . that can't be good. haha. ;)
George has been called as the second counselor in the branch presidency (We are in a branch. If we were in a ward, he would be in the bishopric if that helps direct your thoughts). We were both amazingly surprised when we got the call to meet with the stake pres. We went and he talked to us, got to know us, but didn't give George a calling, but he told us he would get back to us. It was last Friday, I had to work so George had to go all by himself, he was told the responsibility he would have and he was blown away. When he told me I was, too. Neither of us thought it would be that kind of calling! CRAZY! He is very excited, though, he will admit.
God has blessed us in so many ways. We have truly been fortunate enough to have found each other. Especially at the right time and with the right circumstances. Life is not easy and we are not perfect. We argue and have bad days. Sometimes money is tight. Our jobs are not ideal in any way. But we are making it. And we are making it comfortably. It is nice to know that when we do all we can to serve God and our fellow man, and keep the commandments, the Lord has our back, and he always will.
When George got his calling, I couldn't help but think of the amazing man I was lucky to get. Not because he is in the branch presidency, but because he is worthy to hold that calling. He is a righteous man who loves me and loves God more. I only hope that if I have girls someday, they could be as lucky as me.
Can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for us next!