Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Life is a rush. It rushes by so fast and all we get to do is blink and breath a little and WOOSH! It's over.
Lately I've felt like I'm in a haze. All I do is
Take care of husband
Take care of everyone else
Really I'm not complaining. I'm just saying that here I am, standing on this segment of my life's map, waiting for my next big move and . . . Nothin. 
Life moves past me in a rush of the wind and I haven't done anything yet. I haven't moved.
Still here. Same old me.
And these past couple weeks I've been so blaaaaah and down because I thought that was a bad thing.
But is it? 
Staying in one spot for long isn't bad. Being imbalanced for a some time isn't always bad. 
It's finding that balance and finding what you need to move on that's important.
So, for now, I've decided to try and enjoy where I'm at, bask in the sunlight, hang my coat up, and stay a while. 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Every Little Bit Counts

Okay so we all know I'm a girl with way too many clothes in my closet. I have given away countless garbage bags to the DI and to random people in my life. It has come for the time to once again clean out my closet. I don't have much to throw out but I have some. 
Soooo....I have finally decided to clean out my lovely closet once again. 
I am so sick of handing my clothes in to places like Platoe's Closet, etc. because you don't get your fair share of the worth of the clothes. I always feel ripped off.
There is a site called Threadflip. It is a second hand consignment website. You get 80% of what you sell. I have joined in hopes of making a little extra dough. We will see how it goes. But I wanted anyone to know about it who wants to. I'm interested to see if this works. If you want to follow me on there my name is CassaD. That's all.
But you know me . . . anything with clothes in the subject calls my name . . . .

In and Out xoxoa

Sunday, August 3, 2014


Last night was one of the most life-changing experiences. I have this thing called a Bucket List. And all of my most precious dreams are on it. Okay, well, not all of them  because some of them are impossible and wouldn't come true lest I otherwise go back and change my past, which I can't....sooo....anyway. 
I have wanted to see the Broadway Musical "Wicked" since I was about seven years old. I have had all the songs memorized for years. I used the songs for try-outs and recitals. Sounds obsessive, I know. But seriously. 
I have been begging George to go with me since I've known it would be in SLC. I caved on Thursday and called the theater and got tickets. I decided sometimes you may not have the money right that second, but life experiences are sometimes worth it. You sometimes need to take a leap, bask in your dreams, and figure it out later. The entire time my heart was beating so fast and I was totally sucked in the show. George tried to hand my water and treats during it, but I was in a daze. So incredibly happy to be there. The entire time I kept thinking "I can't believe I'm here!!!" It was all over waaaay too fast. 
And can I just say how glad I am that we followed through? I will go again someday. It was so amazing. I always wanted to be in musical theater and it made me wish I had taken the chance long ago when I had it. But I was too shy and I didn't have enough self confidence. So now I will belt in my shower and act in front of my mirror like a weirdie and enjoy my life to the fullest, sitting in my box seats, pretending to be a part of what's in front of me. 
I'm happy to say that these songs will be stuck in my head for the next couple weeks. And that I will be dreaming of this for a while. 
George thought it was "Just OK" and that it was "Geared towards girls." What does he know anyway? I know plenty of men that loved it. And considering he is the type of  guy that likes that kind of thing I was rather surprised. But oh well. Not every man is the like. 
It reminded me how important it is that we stay true to ourselves, despite what others may think of us or what we think we may want in life. And a many other things. . . but we will leave that for later. 

Monday, July 14, 2014

July 4th

I found this year that I enjoyed the fourth much more than usual. I am realizing that I am a traditionalist. I am all about the heat and large crowds watching a bunch of people wave as they march or "float" by just to get a kick out of it. I love how everyone wears those cheesy grandpa shirts with the American Flag on them and how hicks look more hick-ish in their painted American Flag short shorts and Muscle shirts with some clever wordage on the front about the second amendment (I'm totally respectively being stereotypical here. To each their own.)
The best part of the whole day is at the end...when everyone is dead beat from all the heat and delicious eats and you spread out a blanket and stare into the smokey sky and watch a bunch of spontaneous combustion debut. 
This year I felt a tremendous appreciation for our founding fathers and the "original" Americans who fought for their freedom so we can practice religion and protect our families. It is a wonderful thing. Our founding father's weren't perfect, but hey, who is? (besides Jesus, of course.) But they created something amazing and I believe we should hold to the truths and the freedoms they founded. It's a harsh world, full of harsh people. I'm just glad that we still have at least one day a year that (is supposed to) remind us who we are, what this country used to stand for, and where we came from. Be proud to wear the red, white and blue. Because, in different ways, but true none the less, the flag was forged through smokey skies of spontaneous combustion and sweaty crowds of people (not a parade, no, but a war). Thank goodness my ancestors cared enough about me to fight for what was right.
Some of my favorite things about July...
The Air Show. It was great to be there with my Grandparents. My grandpa worked on planes at Hill.
Fresh raspberries in my parent's back yard.
Volleyball with the fam. (Too bad we couldn't get everyone up and playing this year.)
My parent's back yard. It's gorgeous and I miss my summer days out there. The ditch was running on the fourth and the kids got to play in it. 
And to finish the day off, an amazing sunset. 
Summer nights. Need I say more?


Saturday, July 12, 2014

Construction Zone

YAAAY! My construction is finally done here. I feel pretty good about this one. I think I finally have edited this domain to the way I like it and in a way that expresses me. We shall see....I like change...haha. So, enjoy for now!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Daughter of A King

About two weeks ago I had the opportunity to put into action all my hard work and planning and go to girls camp! I looped girls camp growing up and I got a tast of being camp director last year at stake camp. But this year it was all up to me. And my assistant of course. But it was so overwhelming to have all the responsibility! Haha
We had so much fun.  When it was spiritual it was really strong. And when it was free time we had a ball.
One activity the girls especially liked was using the licorice to pass off our knots.

We had a little too much fun decorating the place...

Turns Legolas was our knight in shining armor for the week. Our theme was "Daughter of A King."
The cabin was perfect. It rained almost the whole time so we were all super glad we weren't in tents. Especially after I forced them to hike in the rain....they were not happy. Haha But they all laughed when it was me who slid down the hill of mud and not them. :P We related the experience to getting to the temple. And how sometimes you have to watch where you're going to make it to your destination. They were all happy to listen once they were all in dry clothes.

The sign said "welcome princesses." We thought it was very fitting. We were so cheesy I think our girls wanted to punch us in the face. But they were good sports nonetheless.

I used a bunch of the "keep calm" phrases. After having a brain overload I thought myself rather clever and gave myself a pat on the back. Haha

These were our gifts. We took this idea from the "Worth Waiting For" video by Jenny Phillips. If you haven't seen it look it up on youtube. I get teary-eyed ever time! Haha it's mostly about waiting to get to the temple before you have sex and other things but we applied it to everything. We gave them their favorite drinks and they could choose to have that or wait until the end of girls camp and get what was in the bags. Luckily they all chose to wait and they got their drinks and a crown charm necklace. It was fun. :)

These are the cute and outs I made on the computer with the help of Microsoft word and google. Haha the fire one isn't mine though. I can't take credit for that brilliance.
We had so many handouts and so much candy. Haha it was so fun. We were WIERED!
Wish I had gotten a better picture of them though. I was mighty least so I thought.
Because I'm so close the the girls in age it made it easier for me to connect with them. And because I have been in the branch for two years and they know me it was even more fun. I wish I had gotten more pictures of them and everything we did. The young women of this day and age have to be so strong. They are mighty in the hands of God and I grew such love for them while preparing for and being at camp.
I had prepared the whole schedule for those couple days and when I got there God decided to guide me to not even follow my schedule. My friend said I did the work and then He fixed it. Haha so true. He always knows what's best.
For testimony meeting we couldn't go outside because of the rain and we did it a lot earlier in the day. It wasn't like a normal utah testimony meeting. Ours only lasted about fifteen minutes. Almost everyone shared, and no one cried. But the spirit was very strong. His presence was unmistakable. And considering some of the homes my girls are growing up in, I was thankful for whatever spirituality they could find.
Instead of making them stand we gave them tea lights in a jar. When they were ready to talk they light it and held it for everyone to see. It made it less scary I think. I think we will do that again.

I'm thankful to know that I am a Daughter of A King. And to have my prince who swept me off my feet to our "castle." I'm living my happily ever after.
Over all. Girls camp mission accomplished I think.
Over and out.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Thinking at Midnight

There was a time when I loved to write. 
And I wasn't afraid of the keyboard. 
But now days it glares at me. 
No sympathy for my lack of otherwise 
Put off skills (what's left of them anyway). 
I have, for a long time now, wished to find
A hobby. One I could do that wouldn't cost 
Much and I could make time for.
So beware keyboard! Wipe way that scoul
Of yours! It's time to turn on the old creativity
Button.  And, watch out!!!
It's been deprived....

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Faith Trust and a Little Bit of Laughter

Life is nuts.
Seriously though. It is so crazy! It goes by too fast and there is too much to do and not enough time!
Lately I have been learning to laugh. Faith, Trust, and not pixy dust, but Laughter. 
Laughter. Laughter. Laughter. 
It is, to me, one of the things that makes life worth living, all the funny things, all the times you get to enjoy. 
George and I have been in a bad rut lately and yesterday a whole bunch of things went all wrong.
So I decided to start laughing at things. I'm not perfect at it. But I'm working on it.
They say that laughter makes you live longer. 
And so be it! Why not live a long time when you can enjoy yourself more and more?
So laugh more. 
Doctors orders.   

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Love is a strange thing.
It makes people crazy, it makes people want to barf,it brings out the worst in someone, and it may even make you stop wanting to read my post just by reading the heading. But it also brings out the best in others. And it can provide strength and hope when nothing else can, let's admit it, everyone is a sucker for it.
Even you.
Then why is it so complicated?
Because we make it that way. We humans are complicated creatures. Need we admit it or not, it will always be true. Simple minded sometimes, but deep down always complicated to some degree.
Love something not always handled with the best of ones ability. I think it should come wrapped in a sparkly box with instructions and a warning label on it. But, of course, each label would differ in accordance with the relationship.
I think that maybe at one point in my life it would have said, "WARNING: Run while you still can or face the consequences." To some it may have said, "WARNING: Might possibly last forever. Open now and never turn back." But now for me it would say, "WARNING: Handle with care. Expect everything and give everything. Once given you can't take it back."
Which is just fine with me because I'm perfectly happy where I'm at. Luckily. When my love box came in it's sparkly package. That package was delivered by George. And George is easy to love. Lovable, you might say.
Although love is a complicated thing and leaves the whispers of the past ever haunting after you and your hopeful future, it is always the one thing in this earth that keeps you grounded when you feel like you want to fly off and become a wistful bird with no responsibility, and only the clear blue sky ahead to accompany you in your flight.
And maybe not everyone gets to fly before they find it and maybe not everyone gets to find it before they fly. But I found mine first. And now I am going to fly. Where to? I am not quite sure yet.
Sure, maybe I'm only so young. I have my "whole life still ahead of me" as my co-workers would say. And you know what, maybe they're right.
Life isn't always about working and making dinner, cleaning the house, sleeping, and repeat. It's about much more than that. But for now, I have George and our love to keep me grounded. Eventually, when I'm ready, I'll take flight. I'm lucky I have someone to help me realize when the right time will be.
But for now. Work, eat, sleep, repeat. And that's the life. And maybe there isn't much to complain about.
Because I have love.
And even though it is sometimes fragile, or complicated, or always reminding me of things, it's always there.
And that's what keeps me grounded.
Strange, sure. But true...Always.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

What Defines Me

My name is Cassady.
I love my husband.
His name is George.
My nickname is George.
And Tweed.
I love the color red.
And periwinkle,
and golden yellow,
and almost all shades of blue.
I love to look at and smell the ocean.
But it terrifies me.
I love the sun.
But I love the rain.
I love the smell of the rain
pine trees
pumpkin flavored things
and chocolate.
I am whiter than white (if it were possible)
But I wish I was tan
I am feisty
I love the sound of gravel under foot
rain, George's voice, baby giggles,
nice cars, and waves.
I have horrible allergies.
I believe in Jesus Christ.
I love to dance.
Especially in my kitchen...
I believe in rainbows and imagination.
I love coco puffs.
If I were to eat only one thing the rest
of my life it would be...
Animal Crackers.
I love Indian food.
Who am I kidding?
I just love food.
I love being a member of the Church of Latter
Day Saints.
I know I have a Heavenly Father who loves me.
I love books, movies, musicals, and ballets.
I love a night out on the town.
I am ticklish on my hip...who knew...
I love sewing.
But it hurts my head...
and then I want to smash my sewing machine.
I get headaches.
But it's not what defines me.
None of this is.
What defines me is...
I am a Daughter of God.
I have a divine identity.
And that's all that matters.
And that's all I need to be happy.

Friday, March 14, 2014


This week we have been at the Dental Convention in SLC. There was this seminar by this lady about attitudes and the workplace. I was so impressed by her and what she had to say. She said "I wasn't born happy. I was born the same as you. I make the choice every day to be happy." Did you know that your emotional response to a situation lasts a total of SEVENTEEN seconds? Everything you feel after that is a repetition of what you felt in the period of time.
I got in a car accident this week .... It was horrible. I had the worst day and I probably complained more than I should have but I've tried to look on the bright side of things. I was grateful that even though I was late for work I still got a full 8.5 hours in. I was grateful for a mom who cheers me up over the phone. I am grateful for my father-in-law who came up from work to go over to the car place and help George look for a good price and buy us dinner. I was grateful for a husband who didn't complain once and helped console me and help to have a good attitude. It wasn't easy but I've been trying to do this all week ever since. Although I can tell you when the accident happened I bawled for more. Than 17 seconds... Haha
Every time we get upset we need to name three things we are grateful for. One girl said she was grateful for a wonderful husband but that sometimes he drives her crazy. So the presenter said "when that happens think about how much you love him." So true!!!! When something's going wrong, turn it into a positive!
"Worrying is using your imagination to create something you don't want." Abraham Hicks.
It's all about the psychology of it! I agree your attitude is important in the workplace. But it's also important at home and in school or wherever we are.
I'm going to try to be happier in life. There's always room for more happiness!

The reality  about "tada!!!"
When is he last time you stood up and  said that? When you run across the finish line your hands go up and the body recognizes that that's a moment of celebration and you feel good. It is a moment of congratulating yourself. Try this when you're stressed.  It helps your performance. She shared research on this actually but it's too long to share....

When you make a mistake , learn from it and move on! Don't dwell on it and go on a
Try it.
I dare you.


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Happy Birthday Hubby!

Last Saturday was George's 24th birthday! Holy cow, he's getting old! Haha. Just kidding. It seems like only yesterday he was 22 and we just met. And now he's all established and getting more grown up by the day.
I am so lucky to have had the opportunity to marry this man. He is so amazing in so many ways and treats me like any wife should imagine to be treated by the love of her life.
I should have taken more pictures. I could slap myself I'm so mad about it, but George always rolls his eyes (but smiles anyway) when I pull out the camera and yell "Document!!!"
 We started celebrating on Friday. I took him out to Buffalo Wild Wings, which I have never been to, and we had a wonderful time! Our friends, the Astles, tagged along and it was a blast! At one point Ghost Busters was on the radio and Emma and I both yelled (yes, we yelled in a restaurant) "Ghost Busters!" at the appropriate time. I was suddenly a little embarrassed and worried we were going to get kicked out and that George's birthday dinner would be an epic fail, when a waiter replied by yelling "That's Right!!" haha. We had a good time. :D

Saturday he awoke to French Toast which I happily made him before he went to class. I proceeded to blow up balloons (I'm allergic to latex so my lips were numb and tingly as you can imagine) and hang streamers. He ended up appreciating that. :D
George's parents came up from our hometown and took us out to ABC Mandarin for dinner (yummy Chinese place). We had a grand time and we got to sing to George (he was embarrassed). After we went out to a dinner by his Uncles' company and then went to the Weber State Basketball game which ended up being SO MUCH FUN! We went into overtime and I think George was so happy to see that I was actually paying attention and yelling. haha. 
All in all, it was a good day. I was glad to see George so happy. He was all smiles all day. 
I wrote him a poem which I wanted to post...maybe later. I don't have it with me...
Happy Birthday to the best man ever! Love you so much!


Thursday, February 27, 2014

French Fries

I'm sorry but I just have to say it... My cooking is on fire! Seriously! Haha. No but literally. On fire. Let me explain...
About a week ago George and I were starving and i was trying to make dinner and had been slaving over it for almost two hours (usually a good indication I'll never cook that recipe again....unless it's cafe rio.... Or Indian food....anywho)... It was my first time frying know, there I was all domestic, making homemade french fries. And then all of a sudden there were flames over my oil pan... 
Well, thankfully I knew how to handle it because George tried to grab it by the handle with his bare hands and toss it in the sink... But I knew better... So first I smothered it which was fine... But then the smoke got so bad the alarm went off (most annoying alarm ever...) and so I took it outside and threw it off our balcony and into the the bushes... 
You could hear it go ssssssssss as it sizzled in the cold. Haha what a night. 
By this point I was done cooking... So we went to Wendy's for some fries. They weren't as good as my imaginary homemade fries but you know... Still good. 
We tried to salvage that poor pan... Here it is... All smelly and hopeless and ruined....

Time to buy a fryer....

To All the Wonderful Ladies in My Life

So, I have these eight sisters (a few are in-laws), a mother-in-law, and a mother. I'm not bragging, but I do have to say that they're pretty amazing. Each of them has impacted my life in so many ways. I am so grateful to have them in my life. Some sisters are older than me so it makes it easier for me to go along the path of life, watching them do the things that I might someday do. The others give me an opportunity to be that big sister that I never was. They all have been great examples to me throughout my life and I am so grateful to have mothers and sisters who I can look up to. I mean, no body's perfect, but I am glad to know these eight beautiful women to look up to. They are all amazing mothers, supportive wives, enthusiastic sisters, and enduring women who look to God when life is tough, and even when it's not. I am so lucky to have so much love and laughter in my life.

Me Momma. :D No one could ever replace her. I love her so much.

Me sistas (and my niece who is equally as amazing.)

Might I add they're wonderful dancers? hehe

My Mother in law and my sisters-in-law. :D
LOVE THEM ALL SO MUCH! I can say I am truly blessed.
A woman who was an "adopted grandma" to us while we lived in Boston passed away last November. We just found out today and I am happy to say I do have quite a few memories of her (which is awesome since I was only 4). But she was a neat lady. My awesome Beanie Baby collection is all because of her. She used to give us one when we were good. :D I wish I had kept in touch with her. She was born in Germany and then moved to Boston and my mom and her continued to write and send cards until she moved and probably got too old. But she kept all their letters and cards and that's how the kids knew to mail my mom and let her know what happened. Such a sweet story!! Her name was Sally. And she was another amazing woman in my life. There should be more Sally's in the world. :D
Now...time to eat a popsicle....I've been wanting one all day!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentines Day

Valentines Day has not always been my favorite. It's a day of gushy X's and O's and couples holding hands. Dinner is supposed to be perfect that night, loved ones exchanging gifts over candlelight blah blah blah. Haha I didn't like Valentines Day until I got married. Perhaps because I was jealous of everyone having someone that cared about to share it with. Or maybe it was because I was jealous of all the girls who were getting free dinner?? Either way. :)
While growing up my dad would buy us girls flowers every year. He never missed a year as far back as I can remember. It was so cute. :)
Last year was mine and George's first Valentines Day and it ended with me bawling my eyes out and eating macaroni off the floor. Haha it's all very hilarious to us both now. But at the time it all seemed so important.
This year I fell into the ga-ga-eyed trap once again.
X expecting flowers, a night out, a beautiful gift, and romance. Well, George and I had been saving to go out for some time and had the place all picked out. I was crushed back into reality when he forgot time after time to make the reservations and everything from here to barconckoma was booked out.
It may seem that I am setting my husband up for a put down. But bare with me here...
We had rearranged that we would get Indian food take out and have a quiet candlelight dinner at home and watch The Lucky One with Martelle's and cheesecake for the topper. I was satisfied with this and actually more excited than I was about going to The Melting Pot. Because it meant a night of George all to myself. A night I wouldn't have to be jealous of his homework for all the attention it was getting... Haha
But he surprised me. And this is how I know he knows me so well. On Valentines Day he called me and said, "I arranged it and were going out to Maddox. I figured you'd want to get all cute and go out instead." He surprised me wih flowers. An orange, red, and blue rose. Orange because it's his favorite color, red because it's symbolizes love, and white because it's my favorite. ^^
He done good, ladies. He done good. Haha
A lot of people have told me that it shouldn't matter what day you celebrate your love on and that it's just a greeting card holiday blah blah blah. But to me it's more than that. It's a day that reminds you of the love you have for others and the love you should have for those you may not. It reminds me to remember more often how much I love my spouse and how much he means to me. I don't need a holiday to have a candlelight dinner, but setting aside that day, I think helps us slow down and think about others and how much we love them.

Happy Valentines Day. :)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Happy New Year!!

Holy moly! I can't believe it's already 2014! Time flies when you're having fun, doesn't it?? Last year at this time everything was so different! George and I hadn't been married that long. We weren't sure where we were going totally. Life was so different! I can't believe George and I have been married a year! I am now a certified Dental Assistant. George graduated with his bachelors degree, we have survived much, cried a lot, laughed a lot. Haha. George also got released from the branch presidency and now he is the elders quorum president. I got to go through my first year as camp director. I got to go out of the country for my first time. It was a big year! I can't wait to see what happens this year! Well, actually, I can wait because I cherish every day too dearly..... But I am excited to see what happens next! 
George and I came up with our New Years Resolutions. Some people think it's dumb and others think it's a waste. But every year I do them and every year I get to look at the progress I've made. It doesn't matter if I reached my goal or not. At least I made one and tried my best! I can always try again this year! 
Our New Years resolutions are as follows: 
1. Attend the temple every month together.(we missed a month this year darn it!!!)
2. Read the scriptures together and personally every night.
3. Try to get over dumb fights within five minutes or less. 
And we are making up more tomorrow because George is too tired. Haha 

My New Years resolutions are a lot like last years... But oh we'll. 

1. Work out for at least 30 minutes at least 3x a week.
2. Spend more time Paying attention to my husband rather than fussing over a clean house or something else that doesn't matter as much. 
3. Be more decisive in all things. 
4. Delve more into my photography. 
5. Write more.
6. Cross something off my bucket list.

So excited to see where these lead me!! I love fresh starts and every New Years is a fresh start. A fresh start to a new chapter in this wonderful life. 

Well..... I'd better get some sleep. Night! And HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!


My Little Rap

The inspiration for my blog has come to a complete halt. I haven't written as much as I used to...and it's not nearly as poetic. I feel like I'm still "growing into my blog." So, for today, I've decided to rap. Yes, that's right...rap...

My name is Cassady.
Yo, waz happnin?
I aint no Disney princess.
It's all good, I got my Cassady-ness.

I'm married to a man named George.
He likes to eat an orange (pronounced ornge).
He is really awesome.
More awesome than that guy named Possum.

We live in a tiny hole.
I think I'm on a roll.
I don't know what to write.
My creativity's running tight.

I think I'm gonna go.
Because I need to comb my fro.

Peace out.
