Please welcome the newest member of our family, Caprizie. We call her Capri for short. She is so sweet. She will be four months old in two days and brings us so much joy.
What is it about dogs? They're the coziest friendliest companions. They're loyal. They're everything humans should be. She's our snuggly cutie pie. She's also a crazy woman
(but don't tell her I told you so).
We love taking her to the beach.
Last Saturday was a pretty warm day so we thought we'd check out Hilton Head beach in SC. There were a lot of other dogs there and she played so well. George even got in the water will her a little bit. Everyone could tell we were from somewhere north. Everyone else was in coats, beanies, scarfs, gloves, and here we were running around all crazy in the water.
Can't wait until the water's warm so we can play some more!