Friday, January 2, 2015

Here's to The New Year

Soooo. Here we are. I haven't really felt like I've had a purpose to blog in a long time, nothing to say worth reading. But here I am, standing by George's side, awaiting our first big adventure. Neither of us saw it coming. I feel like some of the biggest things in life, you don't, they kind of just creep up on you. Well here's to a Happy NewYear starting off fresh . . . In Georgia. 

A few months ago George started applying to graduate programs. We were pretty sure we were going to Texas and then one day this random school popped up and George called me up and said "I know it sounds strange but this is the school. This is where we're going." Of course I rolled my eyes and about six weeks later here we are! It's amazing how your entire life can fit into one little trailer. 

So here's to embracing new things in this new year. Here's to big and ventures, and small ones. Here's to loved ones, new, old, an the ones we don't know yet. Here's to being closer to one sibling. Here's to no real goodbye because families are forever. And here's to George and Me living it up in good old Georgia. Savannah, ready or not, here we come!!!

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