Sunday, May 17, 2015

It's My Party and I'll Eat Cake if I Want To!

Sup Kids?

Seriously, though, hey. :)

This is Cass comin' to you live from her love seat on the last day of her 21 year old life!

I'm about to turn 22! Paaaaartay!

I love birthdays. Not just mine, although any excuse to eat a brownie in my honor is by all means my pleasure. For real though, birthdays are awesome. Think about it just for one minute. On just one day every year you get to have a day where you have the opportunity to look around and realize how far you've come, and more importantly how far you have to go. And to be thankful for the people who have helped you get where you are, or who helped you realize where you need to be. And to thank God for this amazing opportunity to feel what it feels like to jump in the ocean waves and get salt in your eyes, to stand on top of a mountain and feel the breeze and look over a tiny portion of what he sees every second. To kiss someone and hold someone and eat food, good or bad. To roll the car windows down and sing to your favorite song or cry or laugh or feel so anxious you're going to die.

I am so thankful for tomorrow to celebrate another year of pulling through everything I've been through and taking a breath for myself for one small moment to celebrate the life I've been given.
Life is so short. And already, in the blink of an eye, almost twenty two years of mine has rushed by.
I welcome the next year of my life with open arms. There are still so many things I want to do and to see. Still so many things I want to feel and touch, and so many brownies that still need to make their way to my mouth.

So, tomorrow, for just one second, take a moment to celebrate with me. You don't have to celebrate me, but celebrate you, because you are awesome, and life holds so many possibilities.

Here's to what happens between this years and next years candles . . .
May it be an adventure worth remembering.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day! What a lovely day indeed. I have been blessed with two wonderful women in my life who are amazing examples to me - My mother, and my mother-in-law. Last night George and I were talking about what kind of relationships we have with our mothers. George was saying that I probably looked at his mother as more of a friend. I agreed, but I have to admit I look at my mother the same way! All they are is our best friend. The ones who never fail us, the ones who always stick by us. Or at least, they should. And if you haven't had that kind of mother in your life, I hope there is some woman in your life who mirrors these qualities.
I have been blessed to have shared many laughs, cries, and lots of chocolate with these women. I am glad to call them confidant, advocate, friend, and mother. I hope to one day be as amazing as they are.
I found this jem today. Thought it was worth sharing. It's no wonder I grew up to love red and polka dots. Can I also just say my mother is totally rocking those bangs? Oh, the 90's!

In other news . . . George has officially finished his first semester of Masters School! High five, everyone. YES. This past weekend was a dream because I finally had my husbands full attention. Since we found out we were moving, I have been dying to get out on the town. We went out Friday night with some friends downtown Savannah. It was everything I hoped. We walked along River Street and danced to the music of an acoustic guitarist, we finally got to try the famous Leopold's Ice Cream, and we got to eat at Sweet Melissa's. I'm not supposed to eat ice cream, but I made an exception. It was delightful. So much so I took pictures (honestly, though, are you surprised?).


and kisses. :P

Also a few weeks ago we went down "Alligator Alley." Its a part of the National Wildlife Refuge where there are TONS of alligators. It's pretty awesome.

Just chillin. Or warmin. HA! Okay, that wasn't funny, you're right . . .

Welcome to the swamp, kids.

This guy was HUGE. Probably about 20 ft. or so.

I can't get over all this Spanish Moss. It's so . . . charming?


There was a day a few weeks ago we went to Hilton Head beach. We looooove Hilton Head. Capri likes to eat the waves, which ends up in her getting sick, but she's learning to swim, and I'm slowly getting farther and farther out into the water. It's scary to me because we have a Great White migration that comes through, Jellyfish and Stingrays. The water also looks gross, but, the beach is the beach! It's lovely anyway.

Capri was just too cute. We had to take a golf cart from the parking lot. She enjoyed the ride.

Proof we were there too. 

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all my fellow ladies out there.

Monday, May 4, 2015

School is for Smarties

Masters school is HARD! Oh my. I say that and I'm not even the one enrolled in classes.
Despite our busy schedules, George and I have been able to get out and about a little bit more than I thought we would. But everything is so expensive!!! Hello world, when did you become full of price tags?
George is so busy. Most nights he either comes home about the time I'm heading to bed (if I'm not already), or he is staying up late trying to get things done. But he's done well! And after this week his first semester of Masters School will be complete!
So. We finally got a kennel for Capri. One fine Sunday we came home from church and she had bit the the toilet water pipe. Darn it! George called our wonderful and handy friend, Jared, to come fix it for us. Luckily the flooding wasn't too bad so we were able to soak it up with some towels. Need I say that we were panicking? No. I dare say I don't. We are so lucky it didn't flood more or we'd probably be paying for new carpet and water damage.
The next day we came home to this . . . it was all over the bathroom floor too. Along with some other stuff . . .

So that's when George finally caved and we got Capri her own little box of space. Let me just say how wonderful it is. There is much less mess when I come home from work and she is more calm. PLUS I don't have the constant urge to buy a spy camera so I can tap in and watch her while I'm away. There were so many days I was afraid she would eat something valuable. And there were so many days she did . . .
But we don't speak of those days.
Anyway. It's finals right now for George so about a week ago he took me out to breakfast downtown on Saturday. That morning was all the time he had to spend with me since his schooling has kind of taken over his life. Anyway, it was wonderful! We ate at Goose Feathers. It is a fun little cafe in the heart of old Savannah. The food was SO GOOD. We had a good time. There are so many hidden treasures downtown, I can't wait to find them all!
This is us . . . AWE.

We also went downtown with our lovely friends, Shannon and Paul, a couple of weeks ago and we had lunch at Vinnie Van Go Go's. It's a super fun outdoor pizza place. Everyone here is crazy about it. Probably because the slices of pizza are bigger than your face.

The smaller slices are the regular size.

We also drove down the charming Jones Street. But we were unable to get out and walk around due to time constraints. I am dying to get myself and my camera down there and do some serious documenting.

Ignore the lady and her dog. 

Also the sunsets - when your in the clear form the trees - have been so beautiful!

George actually asked to have his picture taken. I obviously obliged happily. He NEVER likes his picture taken. So even though you can't see his face. It's the reasoning that makes this picture wonderful. 
Capri is begging for my attention. Kids . . . :P
Have a marvelous Monday.