Sunday, February 13, 2011


Valentines Day is a day when lovers exchange gifts and signs of affection. It is a day when so many feel so special, and yet, many more feel so small and lonely. I am going to be honest, I am one of those people who would gladly boycott the ruthless day and be gone with it. Why? Well, I have my reasons, and they are good reasons, but of course, they are reasons that can be argued against. And, as much as I loath admitting it, I'll probably, and I want to intensify the word PROBABLY, find someone is worth my time and money to spend for on the red day.
Of course, there is no stopping it. This day is estimated to have been around since 270 BC. If it's lasted this long, then it's never going out of business. Sometimes I wonder how many of these days I'll have to spend alone or with my future 80 cats and 23 dogs, watching black and white romance movies and eating Ben and Jerry's until I pass out. What I'm trying to say is that, for many of us, or maybe it's just me, Valentines Day is a day when you wake up wishing you were sick so you didn't have to go to work or school and see everyone with roses or valentines and you are sorrowfully empty handed. Well, I'm going to shock you right now by telling you that there is hope! There is! I know, I didn't believe myself either when I told myself that, but I now believe my inner-self that whispers of a future valentine.
He's out there, waiting for me. Well, at least, he better be, or he's grounded for life when I find him. Every lonely girl (and guy) all have a special someone out there. Someone who will one day give them a kiss and take them for a romantic candlelight dinner, or serenade them on this holiday. The day is coming, I wish I could be stubborn and say it isn't and that I will never find him, but, I can't lie, even to myself, and neither can you.
So, I challenge you, whom ever you are, even if you're no one and I'm writing to myself, to do something for someone. Make someone else's dreaded Valentines Day the greatest day out of their year. Make them cookies, tell them how grateful you are for them, pick up their books for them, turn something in for them at school, compliment them (wow, I just had De Ja Vu for the 2nd time today!), smile at someone like you've never smiled before, just do something!
Instead of wishing you had someone special to give you something on this February 14th, give someone something instead. It doesn't have to be your heart, just let them know you have one and make theirs smile in return. :) Happy Valentines Day, you're wonderful to me . . . no matter what. <3 <3 <3

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