I woke up this morning at eight o'clock, everyone! SLEPT IN! AH! It feels so good to not have six or seven am practice! This is the first time since school started that I have slept in on a Saturday morning during school....wow. I am in shock.
AND to make it even more wonderful, I woke up to snow! I had a sleepover with Caitlin and when I woke up I heard Christmas music outside her room. It is my tradition to not listen to it until Black Friday, but I allowed myself to lay in her bed and listen to the faint Melody of Santa Baby from Nicki's room. It filled me with such a happy feeling. Things have been so crazy lately and for that one moment I felt lighter than a feather.
I got all my stuff to leave and looked out the window to find this...
This is outside my wonderful bedroom window. :)
I can remember when I was younger and would wake up in the middle of September and run to the kitchen window, hoping with all my heart that there would be snow outside for me to run in. But, there never would be. Just greenish brownish grass and yellowing leaves. But, when I would wake up and there would be snow outside, I remember jumping for joy (which is why I became known as Tigger) and trying to contain my energy until I could release it outside in the snow with my siblings.
I remember one December, my siblings and I all got into our snow gear and went into the front yard to play around. I was wearing a green coat and pink ear warmers. haha. I can't believe I remember that...
I also remember a few years ago when we had everyone here for Christmas at last. Chrystal, Jayson, Camyll, Bryt, Chelsey, and I all went outside and tried to build a snowman, but it wouldn't work because the snow was too ... well, not the right kind of snow. So, we build a snow slide and went down it on our disks. haha....That was so much fun. I had no memory of having that kind of fun with all my siblings because they were all so much older than me. But I had a wonderful time that day. :)
One December I remember on Bryts birthday (Christmas Eve), we had a HUGE dinner with all these fancy dishes and table cloths and while we were eating with the candles light and everyone all together the snow was falling softly outside. :)
I remember one snow day when I was sitting on the piano bench, sad about something, and my dad came and sat by me. He put his arm around me and told me something very special that I will not share because it's so dear to my heart.
I remember filling in the gaps between the stairs out by the pond and the fire pit with snow so Chelsey and I would have somewhere to sled. haha. We found such fun out of simple things back then. :)
I remember one year the pond froze over SO good that the waterfall looked like something out of Narnia. I tried to step on the pond to see if I could Ice Skate. haha....yeah...I fell in. Luckily our pond is only, what, one foot deep? haha...
I remember last year getting a real Christmas tree with my mom and dad for the first time in many years. It smelled soooooo good. And I gave that one cute boy my number...haha. What an adventure.
I remember one year when my mom was so sick so me and my sister, Chelsey, tried our best to decorate the house for Christmas. It didn't have mom's touch but it looked good enough. :)
I remember one year I went to the Nutcracker at BYU with Mom, Chelsey, and Liz. And maybe Camyll...? We went a bought me a gorgeous deep purple and gold dress. We bought me one of my first real Nutcrackers after. It was my first time seeing it live instead of on our VHS. I was in my dream land. :)
I remember when we lived in Boston and we walked outside to go to our back yard and sled down the hill where that one gofer lived...haha. Dad had to cut footprints in the snow because the snow was ice. I remember carefully stepping in my siblings footprints because the snow was soooooo high and mom was talking on the phone to someone.
I remember (home videos....hehe.) When we lived in Boston and my mom, was telling everyone back home how much snow there was in one day and it was 18 inches. She tried to explain what a foot was to me and Chelsey, but we both stuck our feet in the air and said, "Grandma! There's this much snow!" haha...
I remember the first time I had wastle.....mmmmm. Now it's my favorite. :) Yum.
I remember going on a horse and carriage ride with my family once up at that one fancy place that I can't remember the name of. haha.
I remember my first Black Friday shopping experience. We went to the mall in Sandy and I experienced my first migraine, but I got everyone their gifts, so it was worth it! haha...
I remember I came out of my Dance Company concert once my Jr. Year with a dear friend and it was snowing so bad that we just sat in the car for a moment and waited.
I remember doing doughnuts for the first time in the snow. Don't worry mom. It wasn't my car and I was not driving. haha.
I remember one snow day I went outside with a dear friend and had a snowball fight. I won, of course....haha. Just kidding. But we built a super cute snowman and it was a good day.
I remember my frist time snowboarding. haha....it was a lot of fun and a lot of hard work. I don't think I've ever fallen in the snow that much in my life...haha.
I remember once all of the family went up to Tibble Fork to go tubing down the hill. Dad and I went down and we almost went into the river because we had so much speed. Luckily dad stopped us just at the waters edge. haha. What a day.
I remember going to Temple Square with my family and many other people and seeing the lights. It never gets old. Nope. :)
I remember when my dad's family used to the the Nativity scene every Christmas and I was an angle once. Me and Lacey wore our dance costumes from our Christmas concert. haha...
I remember once after a Christmas Dance Concert when I was about eight or nine...maybe ten. It snowed so bad that we had to drive home super slow and stopped at Sizzler for dinner. haha.
Well, enough of that. Obviously, I love the snow. haha. Only 6 more days until we can listen to Christmas music!!!! YAY!!!!!
Happy Snow, everyone. :)